4-H communications contest results told

4-HWhile most 4-H exhibits will be judged this coming week during the Greene County Fair, the 4-H communications contest has already been held.

A total of eight exhibitors competed in front of judge Julie Carlson of Jefferson. The contest was coordinated by communications superintendent Yvette Bardole.

(front, from left) Jaron Thompson, Joe Thompson, Trey Schilling; and (back, from left) Kara Reed, jared Marshall, Emily Heupel, Arthur Bardole
(front, from left) Jaron Thompson, Joe Thompson, Trey Schilling; and (back, from left) Kara Reed, Jared Marshall, Emily Heupel, Arthur Bardole

Results were: Arthur Bardole, educational presentation*, extemporaneous speaking, poster*, three purple ribbons; Avery Bardole, educational presentation*, poster, one purple, one blue ribbon; Emily Heupel, educational presentation*, purple ribbon; Kara Reed, educational presentation, blue ribbon; Jared Marshall, educational presentation, blue ribbon; Trey Schilling, educational presentation^, purple; Jaron Thompson, poster, red ribbon; and Joe Thompson, educational presentation*, poster*, two purple ribbons.

*State Fair selection     ^Clay County Fair selection

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